“Sanatan” means original, universal, eternal; “Dharma” is duty; ‘Sanatan Dharma’ is the umbrella term for ancient name of “Hinduism”. It is the path that originated from the original, universal, eternal truth, values, laws, in the human society. An individual’s dharma consists of duties that sustain him/her, according to his/her innate material and spiritual characteristics. The Rishi-Muni and Yogis dutifully practiced spirituality to harness positive energy that binds our culture to benefit the human kind.


Sanatan-dharma is a person’s eternal and intrinsic inclination of the spiritual entity (atman) to perform service (seva). It is a universal duty that goes beyond our belief system to sustain our existence. Practices of Sanatan Dharma are various rituals in festivals which are scientifically sound and relate to positive flow of energy and power.


Hindu Dharma is Sanatan Dharma. Over the centuries, it has benefitted human existence by harnessing the energy of the Universe and channelizing it for evolution of body-mind-spirit complex. Cyclic occurrence of events, festivals and rituals is a means to gain spirituality.


Though Hinduism is understood as Sanatan Dharma yet it is not limited to any particular religion, race or country.


“Divinity the Power” trust is a pious effort to facilitate a platform to help us know the unknown, to revitalize ourselves with positive flow of energy and to follow our cultural roots. It is an opportunity to learn to perform basic rituals, celebrate events and festivals with devotion.


It is a podium to release negativity and gain spirituality by believing in the sanctity of Hindu dharma. Authenticity and power of rituals can be felt by one and all. Feel free to participate and benefit from practices of Sanatan dharma. Everyone can gain by engaging positive energy and release of negative energy.


Elements in the Human Body (PanchTatva)


The word “Panchtatva” originated from Sanskrit. It consists of two words “panch” meaning ‘five’ and “tatva” means elements. The universal law of life says that everything on this planet is comprised of five basic elements (panchamahabhutas) – Earth (Prithvi), Water (Jal), Fire (Agni) Air (Vayu), Sky or Space (Akash). These elements depict physical qualities, energy related characteristics and biological functions related to the given element.


Earth is Body – we owe our existence to our physical body and connect to the world through our sense organs which help us to perceive five physical attributes of the Universe – sound (ears), touch (skin), sight (eyes), taste (tongue) and smell (nose). The Earth is symbolized as the little finger of the human hand.


Water is Mind – the source of life that flows within us. Our mind (mana) perceives the physical world as reality. Our mind changes rapidly; it flows backward and leaps forward in time. Due to its fluid nature mind is related to water element. Mind is represented by the ring finger. Wedding symbolize joining of two minds and hence a wedding ring is worn on the “Mind” finger.

Fire is Intelligence – the source of energy and light. We perceive the world through a series of thoughts perceived by our mind. The thoughts become meaningful reality by our intelligence (Buddhi). Human intelligence enlightens our mind to have steady flow of thoughts through awareness. Intelligence balances the mind and the inner awareness and hence symbolized by the middle finger.


Air is Awareness – is the space and atmosphere important to sustain human life. Aliveness to feel our body, mind and intelligence is awareness. Awareness is the root energy that infuses intelligence that fuels our mind and body just like air instils life. Energy is the sum total of our awareness, intelligence, mind and body. Scientifically, modern quantum physics theory proposes that matter (material world) consists of condensed form of energy.


Sky is Consciousness – is the vast open space that accommodates everything. In deep sleep state, awareness of the body, mind and intelligence is manifested as consciousness. It exists as unconditional awareness (without any form) to accommodate anything yet remains unaffected like the space. Consciousness is like thumb finger which is needed for all the other fingers to function, without it nothing can exist and function, hence Consciousness is symbolized by the thumb finger.


The relationship among these five aspects (panchtatva) of consciousness, awareness, intelligence, mind and body are the fundamental features of human existence.



The essence of human existence is happiness in form, mind and spirit. Are we happy? Do we practice to bring happiness in our lives? Is it possible to train ourselves to be happy?

It is possible!

We can train the faculties of our mind to be happy by the art of Meditation. Physical, mental and spiritual healing of our body, mind and soul can be done through meditation. It can help us to remove negativity from our thoughts and actions by practices that make us feel happy and stress free. Meditation is not a religious ritual, rather an activity to rejuvenate and reinforce our innate capabilities.

Believe in the power of meditation!

Make a will to learn to meditate!

Join Divinity The Power to walk the righteous path!
